Thou Shall Get Off The Boat Before The Storm….


This is the last in “The Emancipation” series. This one is short but I hope powerful.

Imagine you are on a boat and you haven’t rowed too far from the shore. Now imagine it started raining  but you thought the rain would subside and so you continued to row your boat gently down the stream (at this point the shore is still in sight). Now imagine the rain falling harder than it was initially and now picture a storm and I’m assuming your first reaction would be to row that boat ferociously back to the shore.  My question to you now is, why didn’t you row back at the first sight of rain?

We are fond of maintaining our positions in difficult situations and only leaving once we begin to feel overwhelmed. Perhaps our prides won’t let us be beaten or perhaps we like to feel like we have tried our best when faced with difficulty and its only when we feel like we have exhausted all our options do we try to recoup, or perhaps we enjoy the thrill. Whatever the case may be I think we should try something a little different.

Let’s not wait for our situations to become extremely bad before we change our course of action. Now let’s imagine you are on a boat and you haven’t rowed too far from the shore.  Again imagine it started raining but instead of you continuing to row your boat gently down the stream, you row back. You row gently back to the shore and head into your house. As soon as you enter your home a storm is raging beyond your four walls. This time you didn’t wait for your situation to become bad, you changed your course of action before the storm started raging and was better off as a result. Sometimes the simplest thing to do is just recoup and reroute. Love Cris x P.S free yourself.
