Thou Shall Keep Thy House In Order…

I read something funny this evening (ok it may not be funny but I did snigger at the statement). It read, “what a lovely winter we are having this spring”. I know the weather has been pitiful and you may think the phrase “spring clean” far too premature but guys spring is here (LOL) and what better time than to get rid of absolutely everything and everyone standing in the way of your beautiful.

This is the first part to my three part blog post, in other words you all HAVE to re-visit my blog in order to complete the series (ok you don’t have to but please do).  I was really trying to think of a catchy collective name for the series but failed miserably and so I settled with The Emancipation Series (boring right? I know.)

This series will contain commands which you can use to challenge yourself in order to ultimately better yourself. YOU are not defined by societal pre-requisites, YOU are defined by the standards you set yourself. The only way to maintain your position amidst the storms, amidst the pressure, amidst the heartache, amidst the pain and amidst the confusion is to make sure you are doing everything in your power to keep your house in order. I am not talking about your place of residence (although keep that clean too); the house I speak of is the life that you live. Everything that concerns you both physically and mentally defines your life.

As you begin to declutter your home, don’t forget to declutter your life. The saying “in with the old and out with the new” cannot be stressed enough.  We are too much in the habit of accumulating old things i.e old and stale relationships, negatives memories  and then trying to marry these up with new things. Get rid of the old first. Failure to keep to that order will have us comparing the old to the new and not fully appreciating the newer situations which are often healthier than our older ones. I knew a woman who couldn’t let go of her abusive relationship but began dating a a man that was absolutely terrific. This man showered her with love and affection but she couldn’t see past her old relationship. She couldn’t appreciate the love she was being shown because in her eyes love was still synonymous to abuse. She never spring cleaned. She never decluttered. She tried to marry the old with the new and was miserable as a result(I do hope you get my drift now).  We fail to understand that our lives require order and so when we constantly mix the old and the new, especially without any intention of chucking the old away,we are doing ourselves a disservice. We are inducing chaos. Covering a hole in a house with a painting never worked for that estate agent and so why do we think it will work for us?

Let’s face it, the effect of our spring cleaning never lasts beyond spring  but we can keep our lives in order by choosing who we entertain and embrace. Sometime ago I tweeted ” pick your friends as you would fruit- be selective” and I still endorse that sentiment. Let’s revert back to the house metaphor for a second.  Anybody who chooses to enter your ‘house’ must comply with the standards you maintain within your home or can leave. The standards you have within your home cannot be compromised because, YOU have the key.

Keep thy house in order.  Tend to your gardens, pull the weeds from the roots and mow your lawn.


Love Cris x

Also remind guests to wipe their feet at the entrance or better still leave their shoes at the door.

Big Love.



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