Does Size Really Matter?

When I wrote the article ” The Size Of The Ring, The Price Of The ring”  I mentioned that I would post a piece that I had written for a magazine about ring sizes. Here’s the “article”,  although it is more like a fictitious story than anything else, but a story that resonates with our bling bling society nevertheless. Enjoy x

Chantelle and Eric have been together for two years. He came home one evening, stating that he had something important to tell her and she was instantly overcome with fear because he never really had anything important to say. He tells her that it is best to leave the house to have this discussion and she  agrees reluctantly and leaves with him. She enters his car,he drives and the silence between both of them is deafening. He comes out of the car and runs to open the car door for her. He takes her hand and slowly goes down on one knee and she begins to cry out of pure shock and excitement.  He brings out the ring and her jaw drops, “Chantelle will you marry me?”

Her jaw doesn’t drop because the ring is so huge and beautiful and she can’t take her eyes off it.Her jaw drops because the ring is as tiny as anything, with an even tinier diamond.

“Chantelle Houston, will you grant me this request, will you marry me?” Her world stops. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. The ring was supposed to be big enough to brag about; she wanted the size of the ring to make her single friends jealous. This ring is awful.

Now imagine if you were Chantelle Houston, would you reject his proposal because of the size of the ring? Does the size of the ring really matter?

The truth is, there are women who only want the diamond ring and not the marriage and so to them the size of the ring does matter. Perhaps diamonds are a girl’s best friend but would you want to lose the best friend that you have ever had in the world, the man who is kneeling before you because the ring is not big enough?  The ring is a symbol of  enduring love but is not the only symbol.

Chantelle Houston cried all the way home after seeing the ring and eventually her boo bought her a new one, one that was big enough to brag about and make all her single friends jealous. Chantelle was lucky to have Eric.

The heart of the man should compensate for the size of the ring. It is easy to forget that you are not marrying the ring but the man, however even I wouldn’t want a tiny ring.  Still, does the size of the ring REALLY matter?

So ladies the two questions I wish to pose to you are, do you lean towards the “if you can’t show it off then what’s the point of an engagement ring?” side or are you the “I would take a hula hoop. I’m in this for the marriage and not the ring” kind of female?

What are your thoughts?

Love Cris x

P.s Chantelle and Eric are an imaginary couple.